Note: If you haven't registered for the Expo, do it. It's free to attend. A pass to the sessions costs money which I think is well spent for many, but the floor is always open and is a must-be place to catch up on not only podcasting, but also new media. I've been every year and enjoy it immensely.
Veterans of the Yahoo! Podcasting Board: What We've Learned These Past Two Years
Day 2: Saturday, September 29, 2007 - Session 7: 2:00pm - 3:00pm
Track 1: Podcasting 101
Instructors: Stephen Eley of Escape Pod, Matthew Wayne Selznick of MWS Media, Evo Terra of, Michael W. Dean of Clone the Homeless, Ed Vawter of QD Information Services
Room: Ballroom B
Description: This session is all about stories and experiences of veteran podcasters who made all of the common "newbie" mistakes. New content creators will be able to shave two years off of their learning curve by listening to these panelists. Each of them has started their podcast from scratch and tried hundreds of things to deliver their message, grow their audience and promote their shows. The panelists will also cover the rewards of podcasting, whether it's money for sponsorship, increased influence in their industry, or simply developing their reputation as a community expert. Finally, they'll discuss how they stay motivated week after week, producing fresh content and keep from "podfading."
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