Friday, April 27, 2007

Five O’Clock Shadow 22

Five O'Clock Shadow 22

Originally uploaded by evo_terra.

Actually this should be yesterday's post. But I was beat.

I had a great conversation with the fine folks at Lulu. (Chris, Sheila, Kelly and Ron -- thanks for taking the time to speak with me!) I consider Lulu a "non-evil" publishing company, so it was great to get some face time with them. I've been around enough authors who've been screwed by their press, so I'm keenly aware of the good guys. And I really think they are that.

And it was the first time I've ever flown from Phoenix to San Francisco to meet someone at coffee shop, then head back home¹. Bizarre. Cool, but very bizarre.

¹ The un-cool part is when United decided to hold the departure for an extra hour, ultimately causing me to have to overnight in LA. I don't pack a bag for day trips, so I'm sure I was a sight to behold on the plane ride home the next day.


  1. I really like Lulu. I've been taking part on their forums for a couple of years now, and every Lulu emp. I've met has been very nice.

    That being said, you photo is very scary today. We'll both have more gray for this year's Dragon*Con.

  2. Yes, very creepy photo...

    By the way, does United ever NOT have flight problems. Seems like every time my husband or I take them, they screw with our flights.


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