Today's is a whimsical post for a few reasons:
- I'm off to see Joe in the hospital. Must have a good sense of humor. Plus he likes this shirt.
- was nailed by a DDoS on Friday. We struggled through the weekend and managed to get linked by Digg and Lifehacker this morning. I love live stress-testing the server
- Headed to see the family this week and just learned that another of my great aunts passed away. Second one in as many months. Ill health as of late, so it was only a matter of time. She was a hoot and would have liked this shirt.
That's it for now. Internet connectivity in Bumpkin Land will be spotty at best, so you may have to live with Twitter updates from me until I return. I may back post.
Update: Just realized that Photo Booth was flipping images. Whoops. No, it's not printed backwards. Too lazy to fix. And it's kinda fitting.
This is a funny meme. I'd do it, but I'd have to not shave for three days for any hair to be noticeable in a photo.