Friday, August 14, 2009

The incredible edible whuffie

It took me a month to finish Tara Hunt's book, The Whuffie Factor. That's a very long time for me to spend on a book. And I'm glad I did. Also, you'll not be surprised that I'm recommending you buy it.

But some of you will be skeptical. What if you really aren't all that concerned about using the power of social networks to build your business? That's the tagline of the book. What's that? You're not trying to build your business? Understandable. Maybe you think all this personal branding talk has been overplayed. I certainly do much of the time. Perhaps you're thinking that change is inevitable, and that you're an agile and adaptable person, easily adjusting as the environment changes. I think that describes me.

So to all of you, I offer up this challenge. Go to a bookstore. You remember bookstores, right? Go to a book store and pick up The Whuffie Factor. Open it to page 281 and begin reading the tenth chapter, Whuffie IRL (in real life). Take 10 or 15 minutes and read to the top of page 296. No one in the book store will mind. You aren't stealing. And while it may sound strange that I'm recommending you read the final chapter of the book; fear not. It's not a novel. The ending will not be spoiled.

For the book has no ending. Only beginnings. Only some concepts, strategies and tactics that people have used and are using to build connections. To build social capital. To build whuffie. As Tara writes, you can't eat whuffie, but it's getting harder to eat with out it.

Or just take my word for it and buy The Whuffie Factor online. I'll happily count the pennies from the affiliate transaction. I'm confident you'll find it money well spent.

And for those of you who have already read it, do you agree? What did you get out of the book that's worth passing along?

1 comment:

  1. Went there! Did that!
    Very interesting ideas.


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