Dear Sprint,
I just got off the phone with Monica. She's a great customer service rep of yours. She informed me that I've been a Sprint customer
since December 1, 1999. Sure, we've had our ups and downs, but the scales have been tipped more in to positive for most of that time.
I pay you just under $200 a month for our service plans. Three of them. All phones with unlimited data plans -- the big ticket item for you -- because we use the heck out of our phones. My wife and I are both on the Pre, and our son -- 1st year of college -- is on the Rant. In a world where at least 75% of our friends have made the switch to the one that rhymes with "eye-bone", we've not. Primarily because I want a
phone first and a device second. But also because I really don't want to switch away from Sprint. We just had our 10 year anniversary, and I'm sentimental.

But enough beating around the bush.
I want the new HTC EVO™ 4G, and I'd like it now please. You've already
let Engadget play with one.
Gizmodo gushed about the 3.7 seconds they had access to it.
Slashgear... you must have employed Santa to get you all over town in a single day doing demos.
I realized I'm not those media outlets.
I've got a decent rep in the social and digital sphere. Some say I'm an influencer. But I have one thing that those other places don't, and that one thing makes me the
perfect spokesperson for the new HTC EVO™ 4G from Sprint:
My name is Evo!Who better to be carrying around the EVO than Evo? It's not like you're going to get that
guy from Bolivia to make you this offer. He's a little busy. And I don't think 4G coverage works there.
But that's OK. You don't need him. You've got me.
So let's do this thing. It's the least you can do, considering the branding hell you're going to give me with this product. Not like I already have to compete against the above mentioned guy, a car company, tree-huggers
1 and dog food for my name, right? Reach me at 602-325-3045 and I'll give you an address where you can send the phone. We'll take care of the necessary paperwork when you're ready.
Yours in love with the EVO,
Note to friends: Help me get this phone first and to be THE spokesperson for it. Or at least just the first part. Tweet it, re-tweet it, facebook it, re-blog it, call your congressman, pressure, pressure PRESSURE! Let's see what happens. :)
Update: I put a plea out on YouTube, recorded with my Palm Pre. You could help spread that, too!
1 - OK, OK... I'm a tree-hugger, too.