When I wrapped up Ignite Phoenix #4, I said that had reached the end of my three-part series on Big. I sat out -- as in, in the audience -- for Ignite Phoenix #5 and a bunch of people asked me what I would be doing next! Guess I didn't bore you -- at least some of you -- to tears. I had lots of good suggestions from those who saw my prior talks. Many thought I should go Small, but I see small as a different type of big. Yeah I'm strange.
After batting a few of my own ideas around, the topic of Weird rose to the top. There are lot of things that aren't big or small but are damned weird, and I want to talk about them. So that's what I'll do starting March 30th. And I'll follow the same progression as before, with my first talk on Weird Time. No, you won't have to bring your International Baccalaureate high school physics teacher with you. Hi, Charlie. Though I think he'll like it, too. Expect what you've come to expect from me in these short talks -- a different way to look at something you've been surrounded with all your life.
Thanks to whomever green-lighted my talk. I'm happy to see some of my good friends also got the nod. It should prove to be an interesting night!
[...] Time gets weird at Ignite Phoenix #6 March 30th (funanymore.com) [...]