Tuesday, May 20, 2008

RIP, Forrest Pollock

Anytime I'm asked "where did you get your start in [insert trendy new way to say The Stuff You Do here]?", I reflect all the way back to my first job at a production company back when I was in college. The lessons learned there shaped me into what I am today. (Hi Jane. Hi Joe. Hi Suzanne. Hi Rob.) College just gave me a place to drink.

This post is in tribute to that young entrepreneur who gave some smartass kid from the sticks a chance to prove himself. He died in a small plane crash last week.

Thanks, Forrest, for all the lessons and opportunities you provided me some 20+ years ago. Though our paths later in life diverged and we rarely saw eye-to-eye when I worked for you, I wouldn't change it for the world. My time with you was a milestone and the first course-correction of my adult life.


  1. Who are you? I feel the same way about PDC and Forrest.

  2. Who are you? I am Forrest's mother. There were many in the first years of PDC coming to our home to help him. Hope you have had a good life.


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