- Image by chuck-reynolds via Flickr
The Phoenix chapter of SMC has grown significantly in the last six months, and it's great to see people with a business-bent getting value out of the event. It's also become a lot more accessible to those new to the concepts, and I don't think I'm being too self-aggrandizing to say that the 101 classes I've been leading are contributing to that.
I think it's one of the best business-focused events taking place in Phoenix -- and it's totally free. The main event starts at 6:30p at the Jobing.com corporate offices (not the Stadium). But at 5:30, I'll be leading a short and hopefully interactive discussion about the 5 best social media tools for business you're probably not using. You already know about Twitter, Linkedin and Facebook. I use all three of those and they are great tools. But there are other tools I use in business that you should consider. They are:
- Flickr - A photo sharing service. If I can use photos to help promote my free audiobook business, you can probably copy my techniques to fit your business goals.
- SlideShare - Presentations with legs. I use this service to share my presentations with those who can't be there live. And also as a practice run before the real event!
- uStream.tv - Broadcast yourself. You may not be the next Oprah, but this tool lets you have an interactive video show with your dedicated audience.
- YouTube - The #2 search engine. The proliferation of video shows no signs of stopping. Savvy marketers will grab this fact and find ways to create new and compelling content.
- Google Reader - The best way to consume news. It's 2009. If you're still visiting websites to see what's new, you've missed the revolution. I'll get you back on track and save you valuable time.
Remember, this class is highly interactive and 100% free. Show up, have a seat, and get ready to ask some questions. We'll break at 6:15 so there's plenty of time to make it to the main SMCPhx event that starts at 6:30. See you then!
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[...] 5 Best Social Media Tools for Business You’re Not Using (funanymore.com) [...]