Thursday, February 12, 2009

Prepping for Big Distance at Ignite 3

Ignite Phoenix 2Image by tysoncrosbie via Flickr

My talk on Big Distance has been selected by the fine folks at Ignite Phoenix 3! So now I know what I'm doing the evening of February 25th. Oh, and the weekends leading up to that, as I still need to finish the talk. It's called "Big Distance", and it's in a similar style as my Big Time talk from the first Ignite Phoenix.

If you can't make the event (live or on uStream), I'll post the slides when I'm done.

But if you want a preview, the scarily-talented George Hrab has just released a video of a new song, FAR. Both his song and my talk are in the same spirit. My talk will go into more details. But his has a snappy beat. And uses the phrase "uber-far".

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