Tuesday, June 14, 2011

PodCampAZ is on a 5-year mission

Well, that's not true. But it is the 5th year that PodCampAZ has been around. No, I'm still not helping organize the event, but I will be presenting. Again.

If you're anywhere near AZ, I highly recommend making plans to attend this year. I'm giving you plenty of advance notice. The 5th PodCampAZ takes place November 12th & 13th, 2011 in Tempe AZ. The University of Advancing Technology is once again generously donating their space to the event. It's a top notch place to come learn and share.

How much? Free. As in beer. But you do need to pre-register. It's painless. I just did it.

And if you want to be a speaker (I've done this every year and see no reason to stop), fill out a quick little form and you're on the docket as a speaker at PodCampAZ. Again, I just did it.

Or maybe you just want to help? They need loads of volunteers.

However you can swing it, get to PodCampAZ. If you have any interest at all in podcasting, blogging, social media and any other sort of relevant media you can think of, get to PodCampAZ.

See you there?

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Tuesday, June 7, 2011

The best zombie book you're not reading

Stop whatever it is that you are doing. Because whatever it is (likely reading this post on-site or through your reader), it pales in comparison with the directive I am about to give you.

Purchase Feed by Mira Grant. You can get it for your Kindle. Or if you prefer the dead tree version, buy that. Want it on Nook? Fine. Want it on some other format. Fine. Break the crappy DRM with any number of easy tools and re-format it with Calibre to your heart's desire. I do not give a shit.

All I do give a shit about is that you immediately -- that means now -- purchase Feed by Mira Grant.

No, this isn't some shameless ploy to rush the charts. The book has been out for over a year. This is me telling you that it is one of the finest books I've read this year.

And I don't shill. You know that.

What, you say you don't like zombie books? This isn't a zombie book. Sure, there are zombies in the book. But the book isn't about zombies.

It's about fear. Fear of the government. Fear of our neighbors. Fear of the media. Fear of something we've never known. Or have all too quickly forgotten.

It's about strength. The strength of one's own convictions. Strength that comes from staring adversity in the face and telling to fuck all the way off. Strength of friendships forged by something other than Facebook.

It's about betrayal. Using other people. Petty self-interests. Conspiracy. Loss. And more things that will make you uncomfortable.

It's a book I think all of you reading this right now will love -- deeply love. If not, I'll buy you a beer next time we meet.

Why are you still here? You have a book to purchase. Now.