But get a few beers and shots of Knob Creek in me, and that theory can go screw itself. Sort of. I still won't pick up the "instruments", but I will sing.
And at the Skepchick party at TAM8, sing I did. Here's a shot of me rockin' the house to the smooth groove of Stevie Wonder's Superstition. Prior to this post, you could only live the glory that was me on that night vicariously through photos. But now, you can own a piece of
[caption id="" align="alignright" width="300" caption="Signed XBox on Auction"]
- Simon Singh
Phil Plait
Richard Saunders
Rachael “Dr Rachie” Dunlop
Joe Nickell
DJ Grothe
Michael Shermer
Captain Disillusion
Evo Terra (See? Not first.)
Ben Radford
Brian Dunning
Tracy King
Sam Ogden
Surly Amy Davis Roth
And your money just isn't going to support the drunken abandoness of skeptics in Vegas. At least not all of your money. This is part of the Skepchicks "virtual bake sale", which according to Rebecca Watson, will...
... raise the money to get me to ATL! We’ll auction a few items so that you get cool stuff while I get to attend Dragon*Con, do some outreach, and host Maria’s Star Party (a big success last year raising money for the American Cancer Society in honor of Jeff Medkeff, who once named an asteroid after me).
We’ll be using the eBayz to auction off several items through the Women Thinking Free Foundation, which was set up by Skepchick Elyse to do awesome things in Chicago like fighting anti-vaccination misinformation. Your winning bid will go toward a plane ticket and hotel room for me, and if we happen to raise more than we need then the rest will go to the WTFF.
So get a piece of history. With me on it. And good luck getting what you play to match what's on screen to howthe song actually should be played on a real instrument. Or just set it on your coffee table and use it as a conversation piece.
[...] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Naomi and Evo Terra, carr2d2. carr2d2 said: RT @evo_terra: Skepchick Party Rock Band Xbox Now On Auction http://goo.gl/fb/corta | FunAnymore.com [...]