Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Saturday morning Social Media Triage live on

Image representing Yelp as depicted in CrunchBaseImage via CrunchBase

After successive and successful alpha and beta launches of my free weekly group version of Social Media Triage, I'm ready to make it official.

This Saturday morning at 9:00 Phoenix-time (currently PDT) I'll kick off the group session by sharing some things I've learned about Yelp this week. After that, we'll get in to the true meat of the matter -- the issues you're currently facing in your own social media efforts.

I do it live on so you can enjoy it from wherever you happen to be. Go here to watch it live or to see recordings of the the prior two sessions.

Do you know of someone who should attend? Please tell them about this event. You can direct them to this page, the Upcoming RSVP page, or the event listing on Facebook. And if you'd like to post it somewhere else... please do!

See you Saturday morning!

Interested in having the personal and complete Social Media Triage experience? It’s an hour and a half of one-on-one consulting time (flat fee of $225) with no required follow-ups or pre-defined retainer arrangements. You pay for what you need, and you move on smarter and wiser for the experience. Contact me to schedule a time that works for you. And yes, we can do it over the interwebs. No need to come to Phoenix!

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